Results for 'Michael Kook Shim'

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  1. The duality of non-conceptual content in Husserl’s phenomenology of perception.Michael K. Shim - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2):209-229.
    Recently, a number of epistemologists have argued that there are no non-conceptual elements in representational content. On their view, the only sort of non-conceptual elements are components of sub-personal organic hardware that, because they enjoy no veridical role, must be construed epistemologically irrelevant. By reviewing a 35-year-old debate initiated by Dagfinn F.
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    Community Engagement in Precision Medicine Research: Organizational Practices and Their Impacts for Equity.Janet K. Shim, Nicole Foti, Emily Vasquez, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Michael Bentz, Melanie Jeske & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):185-196.
    Background In the wake of mandates for biomedical research to increase participation by members of historically underrepresented populations, community engagement (CE) has emerged as a key intervention to help achieve this goal.Methods Using interviews, observations, and document analysis, we examine how stakeholders in precision medicine research understand and seek to put into practice ideas about who to engage, how engagement should be conducted, and what engagement is for.Results We find that ad hoc, opportunistic, and instrumental approaches to CE exacted significant (...)
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  3. Representationalism and Husserlian Phenomenology.Michael K. Shim - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (3):197-215.
    According to contemporary representationalism, phenomenal qualia—of specifically sensory experiences—supervene on representational content. Most arguments for representationalism share a common, phenomenological premise: the so-called “transparency thesis.” According to the transparency thesis, it is difficult—if not impossible—to distinguish the quality or character of experiencing an object from the perceived properties of that object. In this paper, I show that Husserl would react negatively to the transparency thesis; and, consequently, that Husserl would be opposed to at least two versions of contemporary representationalism. First, (...)
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  4. Review: Nuzzo, Ideal embodiment: Kant's theory of sensibility.Michael K. Shim - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 248-249.
    This book is a survey of Kant's three Critiques that makes use of an "interpretive concept" that Nuzzo calls "transcendental embodiment" . According to Nuzzo, if we think of Kant as holding that there is something like the " a priori of the human body" or body as "the transcendental site of sensibility," which "displays a formal, ideal dimension essential to our experience as human beings" , then our understanding of Kant will be greatly improved. That is because the "notion (...)
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    What kind of idealist was Leibniz?Michael K. Shim - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (1):91 – 110.
    I argue Leibniz could not have been a dualist since his notion of matter is not defined by extension but by mentalistic "primitive passive force." So Leibniz was some kind of idealist. However, Leibniz was neither a phenomenal idealist like Berkeley nor a conceptualist idealist like Hegel. Instead, despite some suggestions in favor of the latter kind of idealism, Leibniz must be regarded as an idealist who admitted extraconceptual considerations irreducible to materialism.
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  6. Towards a Phenomenological Monadology. On Husserl and Mahnke.Michael K. Shim - 2002 - In David Carr & Christian Lotz (eds.), Subjektivität, Verantwortung, Wahrheit: neue Aspekte der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang. pp. 243-260.
    The following proposes an interpretation of Husserl's sustained exegetical commentary on Leibniz's metaphysics from 1922 (Hua XIV 298300), with reference to textual and historical resources. The leading historical index for the following interpretation is a minor contribution to Leibniz scholarship from 1917 by Dietrich Mahnke, a work with which Husserl was intimately familiar. Textual references are to works by Husserl which would have been available to Mahnke- i.e., the Logische Untersuchungen and Ideen—I as well as relevant notes and lectures from (...)
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  7.  33
    Presence and Origin: On the Possibility of the Static-Genetic Distinction.Michael K. Shim - 2005 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (2):129-147.
    In this paper, I defend Husserl against Derrida's critique that Husserl's phenomenology is of a piece with the "the metaphysics of presence." I show much of Derrida's critique can be met by what Husserl calls "genetic phenomenology.".
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  8. The Paradox of Subjectivity.Michael K. Shim - 2005 - Husserl Studies 21 (2):139-144.
    In this elegant, smoothly written book, David Carr provides nothing less than a defense of both Kantian and Husserlian versions of transcendental philosophy against Heidegger’s critique of metaphysics. Carr’s Paradox of Subjectivity is organized into four parts. In the first part, Carr provides a synopsis of Heidegger’s interpretation of traditional metaphysics. Part two is devoted to a reconstruction of Kant’s transcendental theory of subjectivity. The third part deals with Husserl’s conception of transcendental subjectivity. Finally, in part four, Carr proposes to (...)
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    Leibniz on Concept and Substance.Michael K. Shim - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):309-325.
    A historically persistent way of reading Leibniz regards him as some kind of conceptualist. According to this interpretation, Leibniz was either an ontological conceptualist or an epistemological conceptualist. As an ontological conceptualist, Leibniz is taken to hold the view that there exist only concepts. As an epistemological conceptualist, he is seen as believing that we think only with concepts. I argue against both conceptualist renditions. I confront the ontological conceptualist view with Leibniz’s metaphysics of creation. If the ontological conceptualist interpretation (...)
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  10. Monad and Consciousness in Husserl. A Quasi-representationalist Interpretation.Michael K. Shim - 2013 - Discipline Filosofiche 23 (2):175-190.
    In this paper, I show that by “Monade” the later Husserl means roughly what he meant by “das reine Bewußtsein” in the period of Ideas I. Of both consciousness and Monade, Husserl claims that objects of perception are immanent to them. I describe this claim as “quasi-representationalist” just because it bears enough similarity to some versions of contemporary representationalism. Since Husserl also claims that perceptual objects are publicly accessible, the inevitable conclusion seems to be that parts of perceptual consciousness must (...)
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  11.  91
    Descartes and Husserl: The Philosophical Project of Radical Beginnings (review). [REVIEW]Michael K. Shim - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (4):593-595.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes and Husserl. The Philosophical Project of Radical BeginningsMichael K. ShimPaul S. MacDonald. Descartes and Husserl. The Philosophical Project of Radical Beginnings. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. Pp. 285. Paper, $21.95.The enormous influence exerted by Descartes on Husserl's phenomenological philosophy cannot be underestimated. Not only is Husserl quite open and explicit about his philosophical debt to Descartes, but the fundamental motivation of the phenomenological [End (...)
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  12.  54
    Renato Cristin and kiyoshi Sakai, phänomenologie und Leibniz. [REVIEW]Michael K. Shim - 2004 - Husserl Studies 20 (2):161-166.
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    Dan Zahavi, Subjectivity and Selfhood. [REVIEW]Michael Shim - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (3):261-266.
  14. Jean-Luc Marion, Being Given. [REVIEW]Michael Shim - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23:262-264.
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    The vision of vegetarianism and peace: Rabbi Kook on the ethical treatment of animals.Y. Michael Barilan - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):69-101.
    Rabbi HaCohen Kook’s essay on vegetarianism and peace, first published in instalments in 1903–4, and reissued 60 years later, is the only treatise in rabbinic Judaism on the relationship between humans and animals. It is here examined as central to his ethical beliefs. His writings, shaped by his background as rabbi and mystic, illuminate the history of environmental and applied ethics. A century ago, he perceived the main challenge that confronts reform movements: multiculturalism.
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  16. The First Principle in the Later Fichte : The (Not) "Surprising Insight" in the Fifteenth Lecture of the 1804 Wissenschaftslehre.Michael Lewin - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 61-78.
    How surprising is the insight, that being equals I in the 15th lecture of the Doctrine of Science 1804/II? It might have been indeed an unexpected turn for his contemporaries in Berlin listening to Fichte for the first time, but should it be surprising for us, having at least since 2012 (the year the last volume of [Gesamtausgabe] appeared) access to all his published and unpublished works? I want to propose a way of reading Fichte, which bypasses two popular and (...)
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    Between religion and reason.Ephraim Chamiel - 2020 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Avi Kallenbach.
    The present book is a sequel to Ephraim Chamiel's two previous works The Middle Way and The Dual Truth-studies dedicated to the "middle" trend in modern Jewish thought, that is, those positions that sought to combine tradition and modernity, and offered a variety of approaches for contending with the tension between science and revelation and between reason and religion. The present book explores contemporary Jewish thinkers who have adopted one of these integrated approaches-namely the dialectical approach. Some of these thinkers (...)
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    John Dewey’s Theory of Art, Experience and Nature: The Horizons of Feeling.Michael H. Mitias - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (4):526-528.
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    Postdigital-biodigital: An emerging configuration.Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić & Sarah Hayes - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1):1-14.
    This dialogue (trilogue) is an attempt to critically discuss the technoscientific convergence that is taking place with biodigital technologies in the postdigital condition. In this discussion, Sarah Hayes, Petar Jandrić and Michael A. Peters examine the nature of the convergences, their applications for bioeconomic sustainability and associated ecopedagogies. The dialogue paper raises issues of definition and places the technological convergence (‘nano-bio-info-cogno’) – of new systems biology and digital technologies at the nano level – in an evolutionary context to speculate, (...)
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  20. In Defence of Ontological Emergence and Mental Causation.Michael Silberstein - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Paul Davies (eds.), The re-emergence of emergence: the emergentist hypothesis from science to religion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 203.
  21.  45
    The Doctrine of Double Effect in U.S. Law.Michael E. Allsopp - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (1):31-40.
    The doctrine of double effect has a firm, respected position within Roman Catholic medical ethics. Neil M. Gorsuch, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, believes that this doctrine also enjoys a central place within U.S. law. This essay examines and assesses Gorsuch’s thesis. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11.1 (Spring 2011): 31–40.
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    The Absent Angel in Ficino's Philosophy.Michael J. B. Allen - 1975 - Journal of the History of Ideas 36 (2):219.
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    (1 other version)Active logic semantics for a single agent in a static world.Michael L. Anderson, Walid Gomaa, John Grant & Don Perlis - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (8-9):1045-1063.
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    The Platonism of Marsilio Ficino: A Study of His Phaedrus Commentary, Its Sources and Genesis.Michael J. B. Allen - 1984
  25. The incoherence argument: reply to Schafer-Landau.Michael Smith - 2001 - Analysis 61 (3):254-266.
    Russ Schafer-Landau’s ‘Moral judgement and normative reasons’ is admirably clear and to the point (Schafer-Landau 1999). He presents his own version of the argument for the practicality requirement on moral judgement – that is, for the claim that those who have moral beliefs are either motivated or practically irrational – that I gave in The Moral Problem (Smith 1994), and he then proceeds to identify several crucial problems. In what follows I begin by making some comments about his presentation of (...)
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  26.  13
    The Claims of Politics on the Arts? Oakeshott and Scrutiny in the 1930s.Michael Rushton - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (4):60-69.
    In 1939, under pressure to take a more definitive political position, the editors of the literary journal Scrutiny, under the leadership of F. R. Leavis, convened a symposium titled “The Claims of Politics,” on the question of whether political advocacy had a place in a journal dedicated to literature and the arts. This remains a salient question to the present day. This paper considers the circumstances that led to the symposium and specifically considers the contribution of conservative political philosopher (...) Oakeshott and his position that the introduction of politics into the arts would serve neither well. (shrink)
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    Two Poems.Michael Trocchia - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):63-65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Poems MICHAEL TROCCHIA SEE FOR YOURSELF The gods, in effect, have given Euenius the gift of inner vision…because he has lost his outer vision. —Michael Attyah Flower, The Seer in Ancient Greece Come to a field of stones baking in the late sun. Drop your knee to the groundup earth and feel the warmth climb your thigh. Run your finger across a palm-sized stone, as if (...)
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  28. Injectives in finitely generated universal Horn classes.Michael H. Albert & Ross Willard - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):786-792.
    Let K be a finite set of finite structures. We give a syntactic characterization of the property: every element of K is injective in ISP(K). We use this result to establish that A is injective in ISP(A) for every two-element algebra A.
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    Husserl, representationalism, and the theory of phenomenal intentionality.Chang Liu - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):67-84.
    Representationalism is a philosophical position which reduces all phenomenal conscious states to intentional states. However, starting from the phenomenal consciousness, the phenomenal intentionality theory provides an explanation of all sorts of intentionality. Against Michael Shim's interpretation, I argue that, although Hussserl's phenomenology is certainly considered as an antipode of strong representationalism, Husserl does not stand in opposition the weak representationalists, because Husserl maintains an essential connection between the senses of noemata and the hyletic data. In addition, Husserl's phenomenology (...)
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    The Case against Assisted Suicide: For the Right to End-of-Life Care edited by Kathleen Foley and Herbert Hendin and The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by Neil M. Gorsuch.Michael E. Allsopp - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (4):813-817.
  31. Kants Kritik der historischen Erkenntnis - ein Bekenntnis zu Wolff?Michael Albrecht - 1982 - Studia Leibnitiana 14:1.
    The contribution deals with the sources of Kant's criticism of the historical knowledge of philosophy. This criticism is an important motif in Kant's thought. Its contents are directed against Wolffianism. Nevertheless it was Christian Wolff who gave Kant the concept of the historical knowledge of philosophy. This concept is of great importance for Wolff, too. It can be traced back to the fight against Aristotelian scholastic philosophy. The reading of the traditional handbooks was criticized early, and the individual's own meditation (...)
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    Relativism and James’s Pragmatic Notion of Truth.Michael W. Allen - 1997 - Southwest Philosophy Review 13 (1):103-111.
  33. William James: Social Philosopher.Michael W. Allen - 2003 - Dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
    Chapter One distinguishes the early, individualistic, writings from the later, more socially conscious ones. The metaphysical language of impermeable surfaces and levels, and rigid hierarchies, is consonant in James's writing with the assumption of what Dewey calls an individual/society split. ;Chapter Two focuses upon the relational self from the Principles of Psychology. The central pair of terms is that of strength/fragility, in which a self is revealed that is both functionally efficacious through activities of emphasis, selection, and negation, and permeable (...)
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    The Social Construction of a Scientific Controversy: Comments on Press Coverage of the Recombinant DNA Debate.Michael Altimore - 1982 - Science, Technology and Human Values 7 (4):24-31.
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    The Curricular Role of Russell's Scepticism.Michael J. Rockler - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):50-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CURRICULAR ROLE OF RUSSELl?S SCEPTICISM MICHAEL J. ROCKLER Interdisciplinary Studies in Education / National-Louis Universiry Evanston, 1L 60201, USA I n The Prospects of IndustriaL CiviLization, written in collaboration with his wife Dora, Bertrand Russell wrote: The governors of the world believe, and have always believed, that virtue can only be taught by teaching falsehood, and that any man who knew the truth would be wicked. I (...)
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  36.  16
    The Student: A Short History.Michael S. Roth - 2023 - Yale University Press.
    _From the president of Wesleyan University, an illuminating history of the student, spanning from antiquity to Zoom “[Roth] has a clear vision for what it ought to mean to be a student: Learn what you love to do, get better at it, and then share it with others.”—David Perry, _Washington Post__ In this sweeping book, Michael S. Roth narrates a vivid and dynamic history of students, exploring some of the principal models for learning that have developed in very different (...)
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    Of one-eyed and toothless miscreants: making the punishment fit the crime?Michael H. Tonry (ed.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Can punishments ever meaningfully be proportioned in severity to the seriousness of the crimes for which they are imposed? A great deal of attention has been paid to the general justification of punishment, but the thorny practical questions have received significantly less. Serious analysis has seldom delved into what makes crimes more or less serious, what makes punishments more or less severe, and how links are to be made between them. In Of One-eyed and Toothless Miscreants, Michael Tonry has (...)
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    Rationalism, Platonism, and God.Michael Ayers (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press.
    Rationalism, Platonism and God comprises three main papers on Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz, with extensive responses. It provides a significant contribution to the exploration of the common ground of the great early-modern Rationalist theories, and an examination of the ways in which the mainstream Platonic tradition permeates these theories. -/- John Cottingham identifies characteristically Platonic themes in Descartes's cosmology and metaphysics, finding them associated with two distinct, even opposed attitudes to nature and the human condition, one ancient and 'contemplative', the (...)
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  39.  7
    Ironia. Mittelalterliche Ironietheorie von der Antike bis zur Renaissance.Michael Becker - 2010 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 44 (1):357-394.
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    The Origins of Ancient Greek Science: Blood—a Philosophical Study.Michael Boylan - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    This book examines the origins of ancient Greek science using the vehicles of blood, blood vessels, and the heart. Careful attention to biomedical writers in the ancient world, as well as to the philosophical and literary work of writers prior to the Hippocratic authors, produce an interesting story of how science progressed and the critical context in which important methodological questions were addressed. The end result is an account that arises from debates that are engaged in and "solved" by different (...)
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    Rediscovering Lenin: Dialectics of Revolution and Metaphysics of Domination.Michael Brie - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Translated from the original German Lenin Neuentdecken and available in English for the first time, this volume rediscovers Lenin as a strategic socialist thinker through close examination of his collected works and correspondence. Brie opens with an analysis of Lenin's theoretical development between 1914 and 1917, in preparation for his critical decision to dissolve the Constituent Assembly in January 1918 in a struggle for power. This led from the dialectics of revolutionary practice and social analysis to a new understanding of (...)
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    Rezension: Wittmann, Lutz, Trauma. Psychodynamik – Therapie – Empirie.Michael B. Buchholz - 2022 - Psyche 76 (11):1051-1054.
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    Preferences for power in expert systems by novice users.Michael D. Coovert, Kathleen McNelis, Kamesh Ramakrishna & Eduardo Salas - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (1):59-61.
  44.  5
    Présentation de la philosophie de Catherine Malabou1.Michaël Crevoisier - 2017 - Philosophique 20.
    Catherine Malabou est l'auteure d'une quinzaine d'ouvrages prenant principalement pour objet la philosophie dite continentale, avec un double objectif : proposer une nouvelle lecture des grands auteurs modernes et contemporains, tels que Hegel, Heidegger, Kant ou encore Freud et Derrida ; et, à travers ces lectures, révéler dans ces systèmes des concepts qui, d'une part, préservent leur pertinence face aux dernières découvertes scientifiques concernant le fonctionnement du cerveau, et d'autre...
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    Personalism as Interpersonalism.Michael Darcy - 2019 - Quaestiones Disputatae 9 (2):126-148.
    This essay will examine an illuminating convergence in the thoughts of Pope John Paul II and the cultural anthropologist René Girard. It will be seen that this convergence is a consequence of the shared concern of both to understand the human person in terms of its relation to other persons. So while not a personalist philosopher in the strict sense, René Girard’s concern for the interpersonal brings him close to the personalism of John Paul II, who likewise understands human subjectivity (...)
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    A Neglected Medieval Sidelight on the Greek Trireme.Michael Dolley - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (1):285-287.
    In his recent book, Professor J. S. Morrison has brought to a happy conclusion a quarter of a century and more of inspired research into the problem of how the oars of a classical trireme were arranged. The essence of his solution of this perennial problem is that the fifth-century Athenian trireme had her oars and benches alike disposed at three different levels, each rower having his own oar, and each oar its separate thole set at a distance of feet, (...)
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    Ethics and chronic illness.Michael Dunn - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (3):311-314.
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    The Child and the Kingdom—an outline of some theological issues.Michael Eastman - 1997 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 14 (2):24-25.
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    11. The socio-ontological constitution of ‘we ourselves’.Michael Eldred - 2018 - In Social Ontology of Whoness: Rethinking Core Phenomena of Political Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 477-536.
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    Unified Theories of Cognition: modeling cognitive competence.Michael R. Fehling - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):295-328.
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